Laser scanning
DTM Technologies uses a number of methods to capture architectural information in order to create accurate 3d models. IF the building exists, we will use laser scanners, if not we can build directly from architectural drawings. Our modelling can be used for visuals or we can provide a Building information model,
3D Modelling
There is not much that we cannot model, however the end use will vary quite a lot, with over 15 years experience in computer modelling, we are at home building high, high resolution polygon models, low polygon models and building information models. Good for animations, imagery, technical and games.
We can provide 3d visualisations of an architectural project in a number of ways, ranging from straight forward imagery and video to advanced game enging, realtime graphics, fully immersing the viewer into the proposed project. For this we use Unreal engine, which is used for high end gaming platforms. We can add accurate landscapes and foliage to make it real.
DTM Technologies, North Wales -Digital 3D Environmental Modelling, Measured Building & Visualisations.
DTM Technologies, capturing the real, and making it digital.
20 Years experience in 3d modelling. We can now offer 3d scanning and photogrammetry services using high end cameras and hand held laser scanning capturing and digitizing everyday objects including, but not limited to, automotive parts, sculptures and heritage artifacts. For more details please go our 3d Digital modelling Page.
DTM Technologies, North Wales Digital 3D Environmental Modelling, Wales, UK. We carry out work throughout Wales and the UK.
UPDATE: We now use the Trimble TX8 Laser scanner giving us more data and more accuracy for our building and environmental scanning.
We are a specialist data capture and 3d structural and 3d modelling service. We use the latest technology to capture real world and as built information for digital interpretation, using a variety of aerial platforms and ground based laser scanners. We have 20 years of experience in the field of digital visualisation. DTM Technologies, can provide a service that can collect the information needed, via laser scanning or laser surveying, create and deliver high end digital structural and 3d environmental modelling, imagery, film or animation. . We also carry out aerial photography and film and have been a registered CAA Drone operator for 9 years.
For VISUALISATION ONLY. Public and internal consultation, Advertising, Heritage, Town Planning, Tourism, Environmental, Archaeological and renewable energy schemes all over the UK have all benefited from our services. To see if we can help you, why not get in touch with us now.
Client list includes – BBC – National Trust – National Resources Wales – Bangor University – Anglesey Agricultural Society – Donald Insall – Church in Wales – Local Councils – Lister Carter – Morgan Evans Estates – and many more private clients
Alan Roberts to captured low-level aerial photography using an UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) at 7 of our Welsh coastal properties through the summer of 2015. Thanks to Alan’s flexible approach, he was able to film in perfect weather as the opportunities arose and we were very pleased with the result – a series of video files in crystal clear conditions, showing our spectacular scenery at its best. It was a pleasure working with Alan, who is open to the client’s ideas on site and is able combine these with his experience to produce a quality product at an affordable price.
DTM-Technologies, based in Anglesey, North Wales, specialise in digitally reproducing the world around us, accurately and at high resolution. We provide aerial survey, photography and film as well as land based scanning. Our deliverables are tailor-made for our client needs, interactive 3d applications, animations, point cloud and ‘meshes’. Survey grade data or simply for 3d visualisation purposes, we aim to provide whatever you require.